The handkerchief as a gift
"We still remember the time when the lady received a bar of chocolate and the gentleman a box of brandy-filled chocolates as a small gift or hostess gift. A bouquet of flowers could of course also be an option, or a cigar. But if it was to be something more, one could not overlook the classic of small attentions: the fabric handkerchief.".
Our handkerchiefs with a classic satin edge are today, just as they were in the past, a lovely gift for ladies and gentlemen. Here in the picture, Jakob Karlsson shows us how gentlemen once wore the handkerchief: namely as a pocket square. The suit is vintage, the gentleman is not - and you can find such handkerchiefs in a wide selection in our online shop.
A handkerchief is a sociable accessory; these were mostly offered in flat gift boxes with two or three pieces in the past. A Berlin company even rolled the men's handkerchiefs into cigar shapes, wrapped them in brown silk paper, and then packaged them in a wooden cigar box. Another of the numerous manufacturers of the past decorated the women's handkerchiefs as rose blossoms. Fashion stores designed entire shop windows with imaginative handkerchief creations. A cloth handkerchief was a fashionable accessory, sometimes a status symbol, always ready to blow one's nose - and sustainable too.

The Mushroom and the Handkerchiefs
To this day, many remember the fabric handkerchiefs from the company Alfred Pilz. Since 1919, a fly agaric has always been included as a small mascot. The little mushrooms (German: Pilz) were then found years later in drawers and sewing boxes, much to the delight of children and grandchildren. Lastly made of plastic or paper. For a long time, we had a few of those mushroom additions from the 60s in our paperclip box and were delighted when we found the manufacturer of the beautiful handkerchiefs, allowing us to expand our range of gentlemanly accessories.
"Cloth handkerchiefs - the business card of good taste. Then as now."
Alfred Pilz and PELO
Our handkerchiefs with satin edge come from the traditional companies "Alfred Pilz" from the Bohemian town of Hohenelbe and Pellens & Loick (PELO) from Berlin-Schöneberg. The collection focuses on the particularly elaborately woven models of traditional craftsmanship: "Pilz handkerchiefs - always a nose length ahead."
On the inside of the lid of our box, there is an illustration of the historical handkerchief weaving in Bohemia.
The two aforementioned manufacturers merged in 1947 in Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, and to this day produce the finest handkerchiefs true to the motto "Aalen cleans the world's nose." "Back then as today, it is said: 'Exclusivity and quality in the world of good specialty retail.'"
"Some models are still made for us with hand-rolled hems. Especially beautiful: the woven satin edge."
Once an indispensable companion in the pocket, the handkerchief often also served as a pocket square. Not to forget the beautiful gesture of a lady skillfully helping out with a finely woven handkerchief. This sometimes tearful object was often left as a token of affection from the lady as a gift. Of course, this is also possible in reverse.

The little mushroom mascot
But back to the little mushrooms (we Teutons call them Pilz) that wouldn't let us rest. After some searching, we found not only the handkerchief weaving but also the Bavarian tin factory Wilhelm Schweizer. Since 1796, small tin soldiers, Christmas ornaments, and indeed those wonderful little mushrooms have been cast in historical tin molds and finally lovingly hand-painted here. Just like in the production of our fine handkerchiefs, it is also about family tradition and craftsmanship here.
"Cast by hand from tin in Bavaria and also hand-painted for us - the little mushroom, in the style of the original Art Nouveau design from 1919, which we include with our handkerchiefs."
Together with a small informative card, we include a little mushroom with our handkerchiefs, just like in 1919. Perhaps these also have one or more additional lives in sewing boxes, drawers, or children's rooms. After all, memories are not just from yesterday, but also what we create and pass on today.
Author: Andreas Thenhaus
Photos: Pellens & Loick, Jakob Karlsson, Herr von Welt
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